Want More Income?

Start Your Own House Cleaning Business,
Be the Boss & Start Earning Fast!

Cost Of Living Has


Instead Of Cutting Costs, Why Not Increase Your Income By Starting Your Own Profitable House Cleaning Business And Make More Money With Paying Clients In The Next 37 Days?

Request Your FREE eBOOK TODAY!

Simply let Us Know What Your Ideal Business Is And We’ll Send Your FREE eBook Straight Away

12 + 10 =


you need to know

Ready To Launch

You’ll get marketing systems, templates, checklists and much more! You’ll get marketing systems, templates, checklists and much more!

Easy To Get Clients

Finding customers is a challenge – that’s why we have included over 200+ custom designed marketing strategies in your business-in-a-box.

24/7 Support

Starting a business is challenging – so we are here for you to ask any marketing and business growth questions

7 Reasons Why You Should Start Your
Own House Cleaning Business Today!

Domestic House Cleaning businesses are growing in popularity. As long as there is dust and grim in residential homes and commercial properties they will require regular cleaning.

People are too time-poor to maintain their homes which means they will require your services!
  • Instant Cash Flow

    Get paid daily – immediately you have finished the job – no waiting for week to week paychecks

  • Easy To Run

    No experience needed! If you can clean your home you can do this.

  • Low Start-Up Cost

    All you need is a vacuum cleaner and some cleaning chemicals (you can borrow one initially)

  • Highly Profitable

    Charge $35 to $65 per hour

  • No Overheads

    No fixed rent to pay. Your only expense is fuel and marketing.

  • Flexible Hours

    Work when and where you want by simply scheduling jobs when you want, in any area you want.

  • Recurring Revenue

    Your customers will continue hiring your service every 2 to 3 weeks. As long as the dishes are piling up, your services are needed.

How it works?

Get ready for earn more

Setup Your Business for Success
from Day 1

With ClientsNOW – our Proven 13 Step By Step Business Growth System you’ll get all the info you’ll need from business name registration, business planning, getting customer to growing your business

Find High-Paying

Want to attract leads and enquiries fast?
Discover the secrets to lead generation that most successful companies use and won’t tell you!

Get More Sales

Now that you have your phone ringing and getting tons of enquiries, you need to make sure that you convert them into sales!
This is where many businesses fail to reap the rewards of their advertising $$$. These Strategies Will Skyrocket Your Sales!

Dedicated Support

Starting and growing a business is hard…especially when you don’t know how to do it. That’s why we created a dedicated Business Growth Coaching system designed exclusively to help you avoid the pitfalls of marketing your business – you’ll get dedicated support from an experienced coach to help you navigate your business to success!

How Do You Make Money?

Make money by cleaning households and businesses in your local area. Starting a cleaning business can be really lucrative. There will always be homes that need cleaning, and it’s a job people are eager to handoff. Right now there is a growing demand for sanitizing cleaners
  • Name

    Select A Business Name (We’ll help you choose the right one)

  • Who it Suits

    This business is ideal for people who enjoy keeping their house clean and tidy

  • Skills Required

    No speciality skill needed apart from basic knowledge of house cleaning

  • Expected Revenue

    You can charge clients $35 to $65 per hour. Or a fixed fee per house. Research shows that domestic cleaning business owners earned between $5,000 and $50,000 during their first year of business.

  • Marketing

    Get started with your How To Start And Succeed With Your Own Business eBook and Comprehensive Operations Manual including business registrations, daily operations, bookkeeping basics, website management, Over 116 Powerful Marketing Strategies To Skyrocket Your Business Revenue, 132 Templates, Checklists and Sales Scripts to make your life easier, Time Management, Goal Setting & a Powerful Mindset Training Module PLUS full marketing support to get you off the ground and earning fast! Simply purchase our ClinetsNOW Business in a Box Kit to receive all the above!


    You are not alone …you have our full dedicated marketing support and mentoring to ensure your business is successful and constantly generating sales.

Benefits Of Starting Your Own House Cleaning Business

  • If you like cleaning, you can do this. There are also several courses you can take to get accreditation
  • Ideal if You Enjoy Cleaning and Travelling
  • All You Need To Get Started is a Vaccum, Mop, Broom and some cleaning chemicals
  • Increase Your Revenue By Adding More Service
  • Expand Your Business By Targeting More Locations
  • Work Part Time or Full Time For Additional Revenue
  • Scale Your Business By Employing Staff

Now there's a quicker, better & cheaper way to create your own profitable business...

You only had two options until recently: launch your company alone or purchase an expensive franchise.

Problem is that most franchises are costly, obsolete and restrictive-and force you to forever pay them a percentage of your income!

It isn’t any easier if you go it alone. It’s time-consuming and painfully lonely to start your own company ‘ from scratch, ‘ and you have a high risk of making mistakes or even failing……

75% Increase In Demand For Sanitize Cleaners

What You Don't Have To Worry About!

  • No Expensive Franchise Fees and Charges
  • If you buy an established business, you make take on their Bad Reviews and Bad Debts
  • No Huge Upfront Cost to Buy our Business-In-A-Box unlike buying an Established Business
  • If Buying an Established Business That Doesn’t Have A Client List, You Cannot Get Recurring Sales
  • An under-performing established business can require a lot of investment to make it profitable.
  • We Can Take Care Of Your Google & Facebook/Instagram ads Marketing (Lead Generation) So You Don’t Need To Stress About Getting New Inquiries (additional charges apply)
  • We can build a Mobile Responsive SEO Optimized Website For You to kick start your Business (additional charges apply)
  • Dedicated support – from helping you get your 1st sale to scaling your business to the next level – we are with you to ensure YOUR SUCCESS!
  • You take care of your business and let us worry about your marketing (additional charges apply)


ClientsNOW ……Your Complete Marketing Business in a Box System!

  • ClientsNOW Business Growth System is far more than a book or a guide, it is a complete framework for launching your very own prosperous and highly profitable business from scratch!
  • You get everything you need: business setup preparation, strategies for marketing, price calculators, advertisements, generation of leads, forms, checklists, help and more …
  • This system has been developed based on what actually works in the ‘real world’ and ‘borrows’ the best bits from some of the world’s most successful service companies.
  • With ClientsNOW you’ll be able to avoid the usual mistakes, hassles and frustrations and jump-start your journey to creating a rewarding, fun and flexible profitable business.

Without Customers You'll Not Have A Business

We know starting out is tough, especially if you have to find a reliable web developer, digital marketing expert and experienced business coach…not to mention the most important part – GETTING CUSTOMER!

What You Get

  • Discover how to get enquiries and leads
  • Discover how to convert them into sales
  • Discover how to retain them once you’ve made the sale so they come back over and over again PLUS Much MORE
  • Marketing & business growth support

What You Don't Get

  • We don’t teach you how to clean – you can easily learn that from taking courses or getting cleaning training
  • We don’t supply the equipment, we’ll point to you some suppliers


Here’s What You Get In Your ClientsNOW Business In A Box Package

As you go through this step-by-step program you’ll discover how to turn your business into a profitable enterprise :

Powerful Business-Building Secrets Revealed In Your AMAZING ClientsNOW Business-in-a-Box Kit!

  • How To Get Started eBook so you can learn everything you need to get started
  • 390 Page Getting Started Operations Manual Workbook with detailed instructions on how to maintain your website, marketing plus much more
  • 38 Powerful Ways To Get More Enquiries and get your phone ringing
  • 34 Proven Ways to Increase Your Conversion by turning inquiries into sales
  • 17 Secret Ways To Get Clients Back & Buying More from you that will drive your competition insane
  • 28 Online Marketing Secrets that will turn your website into a powerhouse inquiry-generating website
  • 25 Time Tested Ways To Cut Overheads so your business operates profitably
  • Time Management Tactics so you can learn how to work efficiently and effectively
  • Guide To Goal Setting ($97)
  • Rewire Your Mind-Set For Success workbook featuring powerful tactics highly successful business people use daily
  • 121+ Templates, Checklists & Sales Scripts to make your life easier and avoid repetitions
  • 1 x FREE Business Coaching/ Sessions from an experienced business owner so you can start smoothly and avoid pitfalls and mistakes of operating a business
√ BONUS # 1: eBook – How To Start Your Business:

Learn how to start your own business with this comprehensive guide.

Discover everything you need to get started from business planning, legal requirements, equipment lists to getting more customers.


  • Find Out How To Make a Business Plan For Your Business
  • Learn About The Legal Requirements Needed Before Getting Started
  • Learn How to Register Your Business ABN#
  • Find Out What Insurances You Need
  • Find Out What Equipment You Require
  • Plus Much More
√ BONUS # 2: 390 Page Comprehensive Getting Started Manual & Workbook:

Your manual covers detailed step by step instructions on how to register your domain name and business name ABN #, sign up for web hosting, manage your website from the backend, uploading images and changing content, maintaining daily bookkeeping and admin processes, how to maintain customers database, setting up your social media accounts plus much more.


  • Learn How To Register Your Domain Name
  • Find Out How To Get The Best Hosting For Your Website
  • Learn Step By Step How To Manage Your Website From The Back end So You Can Easily Edit Your Content, Add Images, Videos & Write Blogs With NO Coding Experience Needed
  • Learn How To Operate Your Admin Area Including How To Manage Your Customers Database CRM System
  • Learn The Essentials Of Managing Your Bookkeeping & Cashflow System

Want to attract leads and enquiries fast?

Discover the secrets to lead generation that most successful companies use and won’t tell you!

Learn how to write super effective headlines and ads that work using the AIDA & PAS Formulas, get insider tips on how to attract new inquiries from Facebook, discover how you can use Google Ads to effectively target your ideal clients, learn how to use coupons to attract new leads PLUS Many More Tactics!


  • Discover the Secrets of Getting New Inquiries with Facebook Marketing
  • Find Out How You Can Write Headlines That Will Attract The Attention Of Your Target Market
  • Discover How To Generate a Consistent Supply Of Customer With Google Ads
  • Learn Proven Traditional Off-Line Marketing Strategies That Are Being Used By Big Companies Today To Grow Their Customer Lists PLUS Much More……

√ BONUS # 4: 38 Time Tested Tactics to Increase Your Sales and Profits (Increase Your Conversion Rate):

Now that you have your phone ringing and getting tons of enquiries, you need to make sure that you convert them into sales!This is where many businesses fail to reap the rewards of their advertising $$$. These Strategies Will Skyrocket Your Sales!

Discover powerful strategies on how to turn cold inquiries into red hot prospects and sales using proven tactics like re-marketing, persuasive sales scripts, up selling, cross-selling, guerrilla marketing and of course unleashing the power of referral and viral marketing.


  • Learn How To Close Sales Using Time Tested Sales Scripts
  • Find Out How You Can Use Email Automation To Create a Super Effective Drip Marketing Campaign
  • Discover The Power of Re-Marketing So Your Prospects Will Revisit Your Website And Increase Your Conversion Rate
  • How to Unleash the Power of FREE Referral Marketing PLUS Tons Of More CRP Strategies

√ BONUS # 5: 17 Powerful Ways to Get Your Customers Coming Back Repeatedly:

Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer.

Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%. The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%.

With these stats in mind, isn’t it sensible to get your existing customers to come back more frequently?

Find out how you can increase your revenue by encouraging repeat business with compelling strategies like email automation, gift certificates, loyalty rewards programs, personal touches, adding value and engaging with clients on social media.


  • Find Out How To Consistently Offer Your Customers Value To Keep Them Coming Back And Never Go To Your Competition
  • Discover How To Use Loyalty Rewards Programs To Increase Your Customers Life Time Value
  • Learn Why You Should Keep Your Customer Data Base Up To Date
  • Find Out How You Can Source & Sell Exclusive Products To Increase Your Revenues PLUS Much More…….

√ BONUS # 6: 27 Best Kept Marketing Secrets to Boost Your Online Traffic and Grow Your Audience:

Research reveals that 77 per cent of people go online every day, and nearly one-quarter are online almost all the time.

That presents a significant opportunity for you to connect using digital channels and platforms.

So, why not use digital marketing so get wider exposure, new clients and give your customers an interactive experience with your business?

Learn online marketing secrets that can propel your business to the next level. Find out how search engines rank your website, so you don’t get ripped off by so called “digital marketers”, discover webmaster tools you can use right now to analyse your website traffic so you can better understand what your prospects are searching for, therefore creating target ads for maximum conversion and learn how you can use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to outrank your competition.


  • Learn How To Add Targeted Keywords To Your Website And Get Ranked On Search Engines Easily
  • Access Free Online Tools To Check Your Websites Page Load Speed, Mobile Friendliness and Spy On Your Competition
  • Learn How To Create Your Free Google Analytics & Google Search Console Account So You Find Out What Keywords People Are Searching That’s Triggers Your Website’s Visibility PLUS Much More……………..

√ BONUS # 7: 25 Tactics to Cut Your Overheads & Turn Your Business into A Lean Mean Money Making Machine

Let’s face it, cash flow is the lifeblood for your business and this is one of the major contributing factors that cause so many businesses to go broke.

So, it makes sense to trim all excess costs especially in the start-up stage of your business. Low overheads will allow you to better price your products, making you a more attractive option than your competition. Furthermore, low overheads could also allow you to increase your profit margins, boosting your bottom line.

Find out how you can turn your business into a lean mean money-making machine using cost trimming tactics like planning your budget, analysing cashflow, getting supplier discounts, leasing versus buying options and lowering financial expenditures plus many more.


  • Find Out How To Budget For Your Equipment
  • Learn Why You Should Get Three Quotes Then Re-Negotiate With The Cheapest Supplier
  • Discover Why You Should Lease Your Equipment Instead Of Buying
  • Learn How To promote “Don’t Spend a Cent Month” In Your Business PLUS Much More…………

√ BONUS # 8: Time Management – Time – Your Most Precious Resource

Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

As a small business owner, you know that time is your greatest asset. You can lose money and get it back. You can even lose a business and get it back. But time is irretrievable. That’s why you’ve got to protect it like a hawk.

Good time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period, which leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success.

Learn how to manage your time effectively in this module


  • Learn How Effective Log Your Time
  • Find Out How To Identify Your Biggest Time Wasters
  • Discover The 80/20 Rule To Maximize Productivity PLUS Much More……………

√ BONUS # 9: Guide To Goal Setting

Goal setting is an absolute crucial first step to become successful – goals are what take you forward in life and without goals everything falls apart.

Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledge and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the most of your life.

As Zig Ziglar says “You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.”

In this module you learn the importance of setting goals – both for your life and your business because they are both part of your ultimate success.


  • Find Out How To Take Control Of Your Life
  • Learn Why You Should Have Long Term and Short Term Goals, Both For Your Personal & Business Growth
  • Discover How To Be The Best You Can Be PLUS Much More………..

√ BONUS # 10 : Discover A New You

If you want to build a profit-generating business that works without you – yes that’s correct – a business that lets you get passive income – every year, you have to systemize it! Whether you choose to work In it or not!

For example, if you want a passive income of say $100K into your bank account every year, how are you going to do that?

Wait to win the lotto or hope for an inheritance?

Or start your business? Then create systems that help you automate the business, so you can free your time

Find out how to can use your new mindset, vision boards, goal setting and other powerful tools to create your new vision.


  • Learn How To Visualize The Success You Want
  • Discover How Affirmations Can Make You More Positive
  • Learn How To Create Your Life’s Blueprint PLUS Much More…….…..

√ BONUS # 11: 132+ Useful Templates/Checklists/Sales Scripts for Your Business

With ready made templates, checklists and sales scripts, you can now concentrate on marketing and servicing your customers and not have to worry about the little things that are necessary to operate your business efficiently.

These templates and checklists are designed to save you time, help start and grow your business for future success.

With over 112 templates and checklists to get you started, you can now plan and organize the things you need to do in proper order.


  • Templates for Administration
  • Templates for Business Dashboard
  • Templates for Business Planning
  • Templates for Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Management, Team Building And Much More………….

√ BONUS # 12 : 2 X One on One Business Mentoring Sessions

The details you get with your Business Start-Up Kit can be overwhelming and can create some confusion.

That’s why we are on hand to answer any queries you have.

Our 1 on 1 coaching program has helped many business owners achieve significant results in their businesses by reinforcing business owners to focus and devote the time necessary to achieve measurable results.

These mentoring sessions are extremely helpful and essential especially in the early stages of your start-up where you learn how to choose the best name for your business, register your domain and how to get enquires and sales PLUS much more!

Your ClientsNOW Business in a Box Kit includes 4 X 1 Hour Mentoring sessions with Neil for your first month when you purchase our ClientsNOW Business in a Box Kit.

√ BONUS # 13 : Dedicated Support For the First 30 Days of Your Starting Your New Business

Your questions answered within 48 hours

That’s why we are on hand to answer any queries you have.

We are here to support and guide you, especially in the beginning when you start your business, because you may be uncertain on exactly how each marketing strategy works.

We guarantee that 99% of the time we will answer any questions you have relating to the business within 48hrs.


Apply For Finance With Max Funding Low Rate Personal Loans

Still Got Questions?

Send me a direct message here
What exactly am i buying?

You are purchasing a complete marketing system that is designed to get you leads and enquiries, close sales and get your clients buying from you over and over again.

Simply put – start your business with the confidence of knowing we are right by your side to help you get sales.

Most start-up businesses have a hard time getting customers – which cause many to fail.

ClientsNOW House Cleaning Marketing system was designed specifically to help people starting their house cleaning business so they don’t struggle with marketing.

Why should I buy this system?
To be honest, you can easily start a cleaning business all by yourself.

I mean you can go to Bunnings, purchase some cleaning equipment and you’re set to go, right?

Here’s the problem: how do you find customers in this highly competitive industry?

How are you going to compete with those well-established cleaning businesses?

Unless you have a solid marketing plan, you’ll find it very challenging to get customers, close sales and retain those clients!

Because without customers you’ll not have a business!

You see, we have developed over 200 marketing strategies custom-designed for the cleaning industry.

With each strategy in the ClientsNOW system, you’ll get detailed info on how, when, where and when to use the strategy along with custom templates.

Plus your Business Coach is just a phone call away should you need assistance.

The strategies in your ClienstNOW system are tested and proven many times over – even if you have several competitors, so we know they work – these same strategies have boosted sales for several of our clients and they will work for you too.

So rest assured, with ClientsNOW your business will have a clear cut marketing advantage so you can leave your competition for dust!

I don't know how to clean
We don’t teach you how to clean.

Here are some ways of gaining knowledge – make sure you are confident that you can provide services at a professional level BEFORE you go out in the field and perform the work for paying customers.

  • Go with one of our cleaning crew to learn on site. Additional charges apply for this service
  • Offer your services for free – ask your friends and family if you can clean their house – not only will you get the feedback on how to do it better, but you’ll also gain the confidence to go out there and do it professionally for clients
  • Find a similar business that’s listed for sale. Then contact the owners and ask them to show you exactly how they operate on a day-to-day basis. There are many franchisors that can provide you with detailed information.
  • Youtube – there are several videos on how to “clean houses professionally” Watch them over and over, then PRACTISE what you have learned
  • Enrol in courses – there are literally courses for every business industry – simply Google “house cleaning courses” etc – select one that fits your chosen field or industry and enroll in it. At the end of the course, you will get a certification that you can display on your marketing materials and also show your clients.
  • Work for a similar business – this is probably one of the best things you could do – when you are an employee of a business that sells the services you’re interested in – you can quickly learn the ins and outs PLUS the things to do and not to do so that you don’t make similar mistakes in your own business (ensure you don’t sign a no-compete doc – obviously you would not reveal your intentions when working for a similar business)
Will it work for me?
The systems works. The question really should be – Will you work the system?

We have proven that with our own e-commerce stores AND with our client’s businesses who have applied the exact techniques outlined in this program to build a good stream of income in their own business.

It’s a real business, but you’re the variable; don’t do anything, you’re going to get nothing, do a little, get a little, do a lot, and get a lot.

It’s really that simple

Do you supply equipment?
We have some products on our website that you can purchase to start your business, however it is your responsibility to purchase any equipment you need and within your budget. Visit our supplier’s section to view a recommended supplier list
How do I get customers?
We have a cleaning business Deluxe House Cleaning and we are always getting leads and enquiries. We will pass on these jobs to you. Your ClientsNOW Marketing Business in a Box kit comes with over 200 marketing strategies that you could easily implement to start getting enquiries including Google Search Ads, Facebook Advertising and local area marketing like flyer drops, strategic alliances, JV marketing, referral and viral marketing to start getting leads. Additionally with the Gold and Platinum packages, you get Google Ads already set up for you, so you should start getting inquiries soon after launch

We will cover each strategy in detail during your mentoring sessions.

You can also sign up for our one-on-one business and marketing coaching sessions where you will be guided with custom-built marketing and business growth strategies

It’s important to note that in marketing no one strategy is a fit for all – each business needs customized strategies, and this is what we will develop together

I don’t have the money, do you do a payment plan ?
Yes you can apply for finance from our partner Max Funding by clicking on this link https://www.businessgrowthclub.com.au/apply-for-finance/

Alternatively, because $97 is not a lot of money, you could use your credit card to finance the package

If you still have issues securing finance please contact Neil here

Also, note that you will need money to market your business so if you are really strapped for cash, it would be better to wait until you are in a better financial position.

I’m not tech savvy - how will I edit my website?
If you can use Facebook you’ll be comfortable using your WordPress website. It’s built with Divi – which is a front builder. Alternatively you can hire us for your IT work from $120 per hour.
What if I don't get leads?
In the rare event, should you not get any leads within 60 days of launching, AFTER following our systems, we will pay for your Google ads***(conditions apply) until you get an inquiry. NOTE: If your offer is weak your campaign may not yield optimal results. NOTE: Guarantee only applies if we are managing your marketing campaigns.
I already have a cleaning business. Can I still use this system?
If you are struggling to find leads, converting them into sales and retain the clients you have (not losing them to competition), then you need this marketing system!

The strategies contained in the ClientNOW marketing systems are all tested and proven to work by several of our clients so they should work for you too.

Is this an established business?
No, this is not an established business.

It is also seperate from our own cleaning business.

It does NOT come with a list of customers – you will need to create your own & we’ll show you how

It is a brand new business without the pros and cons of an established business. One that you can turn into your very own profitable business

Because unless an established business is actually a profitable turnkey operation, why would the owner want to sell it (genuine reasons are taken into consideration)

In which case it will sell for a very high price – 10 to 15 times its annual turnover

* Disclaimer: The potential earnings guide provided on this website is general in nature and does not constitute what the business will earn. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individuals business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity and demographic factors & Business Growth Club have no control over what a business will or won’t earn: Business Growth Club does not guarantee sales and purchases from the traffic delivered to your store. Business Growth Club holds no responsibility for lead conversions. Additional charges apply should you wish to increase your Ad Spend budget.


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6 + 15 =

Let’s Talk……

Let’s Discuss How To Get Your Business More Clients, Shall We?

PO Box 660, Logan Central, 4114

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